Clean-Bit Co. – the exclusive distributor in Israel of the TOMI system that operates Binary Ionization Technology (BIT) – suited to a wide range of disinfection purposes, is introducing the super-bug family to you.
This is a family you do not want to get to know up close, or at all. It is aptly named the super-bug family because these germs are resistant to antibiotics.
What does that mean?
If they attack our body and we have a weak immune system, the risk increases and could be extremely fatal.
A short promo – there is good news at the end of this article.

Say hello to the staphylococcus aureus, a germ found in the natural flora of the skin and in the nostrils of 20-30% of the world’s population. Direct contact with a contaminated surface or person carrying the S. aureus germ, can lead to infections in the skin and/or in surgical wounds, endocarditis (heart infection), pneumonia, bone infection and blood infection (sepsis). Certain strains of the germ can cause food poisoning and the major cause of infection is eating contaminated food (e.g. chicken or mayonnaise). With time and extensive use of antibiotics, S. aureus strains that are resistant to treatment with certain types of antibiotics that had previously killed them began to develop.
These resistant strains are known as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The strains acquired in the community are more sensitive/receptive to antibiotics than those acquired in hospital, characterized by high resistance to a wide range of antibiotics. This fact shows that, in most cases, S. aureus infections acquired in hospitals pose a more difficult therapeutic challenge.
Say hello to the Clostridium difficile, a germ that may be found in natural intestinal flora (found in the feces of 2-15% of the healthy population and in higher percentages among hospitalized patients). This germ produces spores (units of reproduction) that can survive for months (!) on surfaces and become a source of infection. The most common infection caused by this germ is diarrhea following antibiotic treatment. However, more severe infections may lead to severe inflammation of the colon.

Say hello to Klebsiella, a germ found in the natural flora of the mouth and intestines. Certain strains of this germ may cause infection in the urinary tract (including those acquired in hospitals and blamed on insertion of a catheter), pneumonia and blood infection (sepsis). The Klebsiella germ has been resistant to certain types of antibiotics since the 1990s but recently strains of Klebsiella resistant to a wider range of antibiotics have been discovered and named Klebsiella Pneumoniae Carbapenemase (KPC). This resistant strain mainly “attacks” patients with a weak immune system or those hospitalized for a long period of time.
Say hello to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a germ found in sources of water, in the soil and may also be in the intestines of 2-10% of the population as part of the natural flora. Inhaling water vapor infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa or direct contact with it may cause infections in burns and wounds, infection in hair follicles (hot-tub folliculitis), pneumonia, urinal tract infection, blood infection (sepsis) and bone infection.

Say hello to Vanconmycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE) one of the enterococci germ strains that is highly resistant to Vancomycin type antibiotics. There are at least 37 strains of enterococcus, and at least one-third of them may cause illness in humans. Most of them are present in the intestines as part of the natural flora. However, there are some strains that may cause diseases including E. faecalis, responsible for 85-90% of the infections, and E. faecium, which causes 5-10% of the infections. The VRE germ may cause urinal infections, infections in surgical wounds, endocarditis (heart infection) and blood sepsis.
Say hello to the Acinetobacter baumannii, the most common of the 20 Acinetobacter strains. Most of these strains do not cause human diseases but Acinetobacter baumannii can cause infections including pneumonia, blood sepsis, urinal tract infections and skin or surgical wound infections. This germ exists mainly in water sources and the soil and is known for its high survival rate in diverse environmental conditions. Additionally, it may also be found on the skin and in mucus membranes. Recently, due to the greater use of antibiotics, the germ’s resistance has grown, and such resistant germs may be found mainly in hospital surroundings, causing infections associated with the use of a central catheter, urinal catheter and respirators.

We promised some good and more optimistic news!
The important aspect of fighting these types of germs is prevention. In other words, ongoing and effective disinfection, sampling to detect the germ at an early stage and constant monitoring.
However, early detection is not always possible, and in order to prevent rapid dissemination, Clean-Bit Co. technology has proven log6 plus disinfection efficacy against pathogens (viruses, fungi and resistant bacteria). – environmental disinfection and purification solutions – is at your disposal in all aspects relating to effective disinfection and cleansing of antibiotic-resistant infections and bacteria.
The SteraMistTM; system manufactured by TOMI is a cutting-edge disinfection system that destroys germ cells and other pathogens. SteraMistTM technology was developed by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) for the U.S. military during the anthrax attack in the 2000s and has recently been introduced to the private sector in the USA and is now coming to Israel.
Clean-Bit Co. technology has proven log6 plus disinfection efficacy against pathogens (viruses, fungi and resistant bacteria).
The disinfection method relies on the binary ionization technology (BIT) principle based on 7.8% hydrogen peroxide, is environmentally friendly and adapted to medical and technological equipment and many other types of materials. Disinfection is easy to operate, very simple and fast, does not cause corrosion, and is suitable for closed spaces, surfaces and hard-to-reach places.
- Disinfection of spaces in hospitals and medical institutions
- Disinfection in the food industry
- Public transportation
- High-tech and clean rooms
- Research laboratories
- Air-conditioning duct disinfection and cleaning
- Residential and commercial buildings
• Educational institutions and kindergartens - Biological recovery
- Police and fire departments
- Sports and athletic equipment and facilities
Clean-Bit Co. – the exclusive distributor of this technology in Israel
In 2018 the technology was registered by the FDA.
In 2019 it obtained the Israeli Ministry of Health permit for medical devices and instruments.