What is really hiding on hospital floors?
Clean-Bit Co. – the exclusive distributor of the system that operates on the binary ionization technology (BIT) suited to a wide range of disinfection needs, opens hospital doors for you and turns on the lights.
We have always believed that from the moment a patient exits the hospital door, the cleaning team comes to clean and disinfect the floor of his room with special materials and then everything is clean and ready for the next patient. Really??
Actually, that is not really the case! The cleaning team cleans the floor of the room with an antiseptic substance containing methicillin. The methicillin’s job is to cleanse and sanitize the patients’ rooms of germs that can endanger their health.
But here enters the element of surprise. In research conducted in the USA (read the entire paper) it turned out that hospital floors harbor a large number of germs that are resistant to methicillin.
Among these germs is the golden staphylococcus (the type of gold you definitely do not want to hold in your hands) or more commonly known as VRE, staphylococcus aureus, and clostridium difficile, also known as the super-bug family.
With your permission, let’s go back for a moment and put things in order. The patient turnover rate in Israel is very rapid. To put it more precisely, average hospital bed occupancy in Israel is 94% (demand for hospital beds in Israel). In view of the above data, it is clear that the medical staff pass quickly from patient to patient as do the cleaning staff, going from room to room trying to clean it before the next patient arrives. Indeed, time is short and there is a lot to do.
These two facts – short time and high demand – lead to fertile ground where germs can grow and mature.
The route of the resistant germs passes from the floor of the room to higher-up places, reaching the medical staff’s uniforms and hands by way of contact. How does that happen?

There are two major scenarios.
The first: several months ago, I went to visit a hospital patient a moment before the doctors’ round. When the line of doctors and interns entered the room, while they were asking questions, the patient picked up his bag from the floor, took out results of tests he had previously undergone, and handed them to the doctors. This is a classical scenario of transmitting germs from the floor to the patient and the medical staff.
The second: when the medical staff put on gloves and touch the patient’s bed, turn on the computer to record the medical file, touch the emergency button, the medical equipment, and finally the patient – germs and infection instigators have a quick route to the patient.
The fear increases when the patient undergoes surgery or his immune system weakens. When the germ finds this patient, the battle between them will only be decided when the stronger of the two wins.
Transmission of germs by contact occurs in hospitals at any given moment. It turns out that 41% out of 100 rooms in which patients are hospitalized contains medical equipment in constant use that comes into contact with the floor of the room. This is extremely disturbing when we are aware of the existence of germs. Among the medical equipment that transmits large quantities of germs is the blood-pressure monitor. The monitor’s strap rarely undergoes disinfection, if any, and comes in direct contact with both medical staff and patients.
In the past, checking contaminants on the patient’s room floor was not considered particularly important. It was taken for granted that the disinfectant used in the hospital would do its job properly and prevent patients from being infected with these bacteria, seeing that the active ingredient is antiseptic and extremely effective in fighting germs.
However, a common natural phenomenon is that, with time, germs develop resistance and among other things become resistant to antibiotics and the active ingredient they contain, methicillin.
Unfortunately, the germs do not stop to congregate in just one room but move on with the medical staff to visit the other patients on the round. Hence, the resistant germs’ cycle of infection and incubating continues.

The road to preventing germs in a way that does not endanger the patients is still long, but until them Clean-Bit Co. has increased the options at your disposal to prevent the next infection:
- Training and instructing the medical staff on effective ways of cleaning hands and maintaining a clean working environment
- Posting disinfection procedure signs in hospital hallways and rooms
- Internal inspection and sampling by hospital infection prevention units
- Detecting germs by using florescent gel
- Placing stations with disinfectants at the entrance to the hospital to be used by visitors
- Long-lasting disinfection and prevention of germs using advanced technologies
Clean-Bit Co. is at your disposal with environmental solutions that provide effective disinfection and sanitization of antibiotic-resistant infections and bacteria.
The SteraMistTM system manufactured by TOMI is a cutting-edge disinfection system that destroys germ cells and other pathogens. SteraMistTM technology was developed by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) for the U.S. military during the anthrax attack in the 2000s and has recently been introduced to the private sector in the USA and is now coming to Israel.
Clean-Bit Co. technology has proven log6 plus disinfection efficacy against pathogens (viruses, fungi and resistant bacteria).
The disinfection method relies on the binary ionization technology (BIT) principle based on 7.8% hydrogen peroxide, is environmentally friendly and adapted to medical and technological equipment and many other types of materials. Disinfection is easy to operate, very simple and fast, does not cause corrosion, and is suitable for closed spaces, surfaces and hard-to-reach places.
- Disinfection of spaces in hospitals and medical institutions
- Disinfection in the food industry
- Public transportation
- High-tech and clean rooms
- Research laboratories
- Air-conditioning duct disinfection and cleaning
- Residential and commercial buildings
- Educational institutions and kindergartens
- Biological recovery
- Police and fire departments
- Sports and athletic equipment and facilities
Clean-Bit Company – the exclusive distributor of this technology in Israel
In 2018 the technology was registered by the FDA
In 2019 it obtained the Israeli Ministry of Health permit for medical devices and instruments.