In order to be prepared and know what steps to take to prevent contagion we must first understand what swine flu is, or to be more precise the H1N1 virus called “swine flu”.
In the past, when we were younger, in the 1980s and 90s, the flu was what we call “user friendly”. In other words, the moment our temperature went up, we went to the doctor. He diagnosed it as flu, we got instructions to take some Tylenol whenever the temperature rose and had to rest for a few days until it passed.
The flu virus keeps changing. The current mutation of the virus is extremely resistant, and highly contagious, and will continue mutating as time goes by.
In the spring of 2009, Mexican scientists identified for the first time the flu virus strain known as H1N1. In fact, the virus identified in the flu season that year is a combination of several viruses that originate from swine, poultry and human beings. The virus spread at such a fast rate that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a global pandemic. The swine flu got its name because it originated in pigs. It is not a zootonic flu; that is, most patients were not infected directly from pigs, but it definitely originated in pigs, and that is how it got its name
How do we contract the virus?
The risk of contracting the virus is high since it passes through droplets in the air (respiratory secretions) or contact with objects previously touched by a carrier of the virus.
If a child that has the flu comes to the kindergarten, yawns or sneezes while playing Lego on the table, covers his mouth with his hand and continues playing Lego – the virus will quickly spread in the room and infect other children and adults in the room. Those who come in contact with the table and Lego cubes and then touch their eyes or mouth will quite likely contract the virus.
Unlike regular flu in which a patient may continue to spread the disease for about two days from the time the symptoms appear, a swine flu patient may infect others on the day before the symptoms appear and up to 5-7 days later. The recommendation is to avoid contact with the patient for at least 5 days.

How long does the virus remain on surfaces?
According to the CDC definition, risk of contracting the disease from surfaces is up to 48 hours from the moment it “landed” onto the surface. In view of this fact, during a virus outbreak in the population, there is real risk of contracting the swine flu virus only by coming in contact with objects touched by flu patients.
The flu symptoms are identical to those of regular flu, and therefore it is hard to tell them apart: temperature, weakness, coughing, running nose, sore throat, headache, shivering, muscle aches, stomach aches, lack of appetite and shortness of breath.
Ways of treating H1N1 swine flu
First of all, we must define the patient. If he is among one of the susceptible sectors listed below, he should go directly to the doctor and, if necessary, to the ER. Treatment of flu is generally supportive treatment involving a lot of drinking, pain killers to bring down the fever, but if symptoms get worse, you should go to see your doctor.
Demand for the flu vaccination increases from one winter to the next. Strangely enough, families come in masses to clinics every year to receive the vaccination. In the winter of 2020, the health organizations declared that in view of the strong demand, there is a shortage of the flu vaccine, and people would have to wait for the stock to be replenished. Coping with the virus naturally enables the body to produce antibodies that help deal with the disease in the future as well. However, this set of laws does not apply to the case at hand.

In the case of flu, and swine flu in particular, we are dealing with a group of viruses that keeps mutating, i.e. changing its genetic structure.
In view of this fact, the next time the flu virus attacks the body, the immune memory of our system will no longer be relevant because the virus has been modified and so has the way in which our body is able to deal with it. In this case, the flu vaccine will be irrelevant the following year; therefore, if one wants to provide the body with antibodies for the current virus, the vaccination must be repeated every year.
Susceptible high-risk populations that must take special precautions to prevent the swine flu:
- Children under the age of 5
- Adults over 65
- Pregnant women
- Children and youth under 19 who have been using aspirin for a length of time
- People with a weak immune system
- People who suffer from chronic disease, e.g. asthma, heart disease, diabetes and diseases of the nervous system
Recommended preventative measures:
- Wash hands frequently
- Cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with the elbow instead of the palm
- Stay home if you are feeling bad
- Disinfect and eradicate viruses using designated substances.
Clean-Bit Co. technology has proven log6 plus disinfection efficacy against pathogens (viruses, fungi and resistant bacteria). It also has proven efficacy in disinfecting H1N1 and other flu viruses.
The disinfection method relies on the binary ionization technology (BIT) principle based on 7.8% hydrogen peroxide, is environmentally friendly and adapted to medical and technological equipment and many other types of materials. Disinfection is easy to operate, very simple and fast, does not cause corrosion, and is suitable for closed spaces, surfaces and hard-to-reach places.
Clean-Bit Company – the exclusive distributor of this technology in Israel
In 2018 the technology was registered by the FDA
In 2019 it obtained the Israeli Ministry of Health permit for medical devices and instruments.